Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Symptoms of Smoking Among Youth

Smoking is now increasing symptoms despite various campaigns carried out to reduce smokers Many young people,men or women who were trapped in this bad habit. Smoking not only waste money but also bring a variety of diseases that can lead to death such as lung cancer.
Anti merokok campaign being carried out by the government recently is indeed a good step. Government should praised for trying to eradicate smoking.This campaign focuses to look negative people who smoke to frighten teenagers trapped in this habit. The campaign also showed lung condition who smoke. Lungs are black, dry, and very frightening.
Anti merokok campaign is spread widely in various media.Television, newspapers, radio and now also filled with ads anti merokok The majority of teenagers who watch television and listen to the radio given awareness about smoking and effects through these ads. In the advertising campaign this target, the smoker should be achieved and the rate of smokers can be reduced.
Anti merokok campaigns launched by the government about a year ago throughout the country based on the slogan "Tak Nak!" Slogan is very appropriate to remove the smoking habit and say "tak nak to cigarettes."Adverse effect of smoking is shown to grow fear in the lives of smokers. The government hopes this campaign will realize smokers to stop smoking and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Anti merokok campaign is among measures the government is praised. Government hopes through this campaign is to realize smokers and reduce the number of smokers, especially teenagers.
In conclusion, all parties concerned should work together to eliminate this habit that kills. With the government's continuous and intensive collaboration with the community expected to be added this campaign will be successful.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

reading skiLLs 2

Today we learn about reading skills..

1st we discuss about how to locate the word. With using the dictionary we have to find the meanings base on question.

After we discuss it,we go to the next sub topic.
That it recognize common abbreviations (shortform)

Example : esp = especially

After that we have a game.
The game call antonym and synonym.

The classmate have to split 2 group and answer the question when Miss Amilee give it.
So the winner for the game is odd group and the loser have been charged.

I think that’s all for this week.
See u later..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1st EngLish cLass at Darulaman College!!!

21.1.2010 jitra,kedah
Today is the first class for English for Communication 3 at Darulaman Colege
Miss Amilee Ong is the lecture for we all..

She kind,pretty,sweet,responsible and many more..

Today we learn about reading skills..
The subtopic in the reading skills is about how to use the dictionary skills,how to locate words and many more..

The conclusion is we all enjoy in the first class with miss Amilee Ong..
thanx 4 her to being our lecturer..

See u in the next post!!..

Saturday, January 23, 2010

1st pOsT..HAhaha

Name aku mohd asyraf bin Muhammad.

Nickname aku boy or sharp..

Ni lah petame kali aku menulis blog..

Xtaw pe yg aku na tulis..


aku berasal dari sitiawan perak but now aku da xdok kat sne ag..

besday aku 3/8/1988..skang umo aku da na msok 22 tahun da..

sejarah latar belakang sekolah aku adalah seperti berikut..

a) Sekolah Rendah De La Salle Kampar..
b) Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Methodist ACS Kampar..

Sekarang aku dah lanjutkan pelajaran kat Koleh Bandar Darulaman..
Na abeh kan Diploma Teknologi Komputer..

Urmm..asyk sabot sal blaja je bosan gak..

Aku ni jenis suke melepak nan kawan2,kaco2 awek..

Sekian lar dari aku tuk kali nie..
Nanti ble de mse few ag aku tulis ag..
Chow sin chi…