Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1st EngLish cLass at Darulaman College!!!

21.1.2010 jitra,kedah
Today is the first class for English for Communication 3 at Darulaman Colege
Miss Amilee Ong is the lecture for we all..

She kind,pretty,sweet,responsible and many more..

Today we learn about reading skills..
The subtopic in the reading skills is about how to use the dictionary skills,how to locate words and many more..


The conclusion is we all enjoy in the first class with miss Amilee Ong..
thanx 4 her to being our lecturer..

See u in the next post!!..

Saturday, January 23, 2010

1st pOsT..HAhaha

Name aku mohd asyraf bin Muhammad.

Nickname aku boy or sharp..

Ni lah petame kali aku menulis blog..

Xtaw pe yg aku na tulis..


aku berasal dari sitiawan perak but now aku da xdok kat sne ag..

besday aku 3/8/1988..skang umo aku da na msok 22 tahun da..

sejarah latar belakang sekolah aku adalah seperti berikut..

a) Sekolah Rendah De La Salle Kampar..
b) Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Methodist ACS Kampar..

Sekarang aku dah lanjutkan pelajaran kat Koleh Bandar Darulaman..
Na abeh kan Diploma Teknologi Komputer..

Urmm..asyk sabot sal blaja je bosan gak..

Aku ni jenis suke melepak nan kawan2,kaco2 awek..

Sekian lar dari aku tuk kali nie..
Nanti ble de mse few ag aku tulis ag..
Chow sin chi…